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The estimated 515 million cases of human malaria2 each year aregenerally caused by four species, including Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae, and are transmitted by the bites of female anopheline mosquitoes (Fig. 1). P. falciparum malaria has thegreatest toll on human health, primarily... 顯示更多 The estimated 515 million cases of human malaria2 each year are generally caused by four species, including Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae, and are transmitted by the bites of female anopheline mosquitoes (Fig. 1). P. falciparum malaria has the greatest toll on human health, primarily in children under five. In addition to the characteristic fever and anaemia, neurological involvement may lead to an unarousable coma and in some cases death. If a child survives severe malaria his or her ability to learn may be impaired4, reducing his or her lifelong potential. P. falciparum is found at high levels in Africa, whereas in Asia and the Americas it is more common to find P. vivax malaria, which produces fewer fatalities but which nevertheless can be severe5. Whereas P. falciparum malaria is associated with a recent exposure to an infected mosquito, P. vivax and P. ovale parasites enter human hosts via the bite of an infected mosquito and then may remain dormant in the liver as the hypnozoite form for months or years, producing no outward manifestations of disease but resulting in relapses months or years after an individual has left a malaria endemic region. This is probably an adaptation to a temperate or subtropical climate where mosquitoes may not be present throughout the year
你好針對你的文章,我親自奉上翻譯,每個人對於語言認知都有誤差,因此翻的不符合你的胃口,請多多包涵。 譯文如下: 每年約有5億一千五百萬的案例感染到瘧疾(malaria)。其病源體瘧原蟲中,有四類具致病力,包含:包括惡性瘧原蟲(Plasmodium falciparum)、三日瘧原蟲(Plasmodium malariae)、蛋形瘧原蟲(Plasmodium ovale)及間日瘧原蟲(Plasmodium vivax)。 而這些瘧原蟲式的傳播媒介是經由按蚊(anopheline mosquitoes) 的叮咬(請看圖1)。 惡性瘧原蟲(Plasmodium falciparum)所感染的瘧疾對人類造成最多的傷亡(toll),尤其是五歲以下的孩童。患者的主要病徵除了有發燒(fever)、貧血(anaemia)之外,若傷及神經不但會造成昏迷(unarousable coma )並且在部分案例中會造成死亡。 如果孩子遭感染到兇猛的瘧疾,那麼將可能會減低他的學習能力甚至在各方面的潛力通通都會被削弱。 惡性瘧原蟲(Plasmodium falciparum)是非洲流行瘧疾的主要病原體,而間日瘧原蟲(Plasmodium vivax)是亞洲和美洲一起發現的(間日瘧原蟲的致死率較低。 而惡性瘧原蟲瘧疾長一起出現在受感染的蚊子, 蛋形瘧原蟲(Plasmodium ovale)及間日瘧原蟲(Plasmodium vivax)則是藉由蚊子叮咬進入宿主體內後並侵入人體肝臟細胞。這些瘧原蟲在人體中可能會以潛隱子(hypnozoite,或稱休眠子)休眠的方式存在人體中好幾個月獲好幾年(此時不會有任何外險病徵), ,也許當個體離開疫區(endemic region)好幾年後才復發 (relapse)。 這或許是一種適應,與蚊子可能不能整年存在的溫帶或亞热带氣候有關。 ps。有關瘧疾,瘧原蟲非常棒的兩個網站 1. http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/瘧原蟲 2. http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=瘧疾&variant=zh-tw 3.括號是關鍵字的翻譯 你問問題,你我都長知識
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人的malaria2估計的515百萬個事例每年是通常導致由四個種類,包括變形體falciparum, P. vivax、P. ovale和P. malariae,和由叮咬母滅蚊劑的蚊子傳送(图1)。 P. falciparum瘧疾有在人类健康的最偉大的通行費,主要对于儿童在五以下。 除典型熱病和貧血症之外,神經學介入也许导致unarousable昏迷和在某些情況下死亡。 如果孩子生存嚴厲瘧疾他們的能力學會也许是impaired4,減少他們的終身潛力。 P. falciparum是找到在高水平在非洲,而在亞洲和美洲它是共同發現P. vivax瘧疾,然而导致少量死亡率,但是可以是severe5。 而P. falciparum 瘧疾同對一隻被傳染的蚊子的最近暴露联系在一起, P. vivax和P. ovale寄生生物通过一隻被傳染的蚊子的叮咬在肝臟输入人的主人也许然后保持休眠作為 hypnozoite形式几个月或几年来,导致疾病的向外顯示,而是造成在個體以後的復發月或年未离开瘧疾地方病區域。 這大概是 對蚊子可能不整年存在的溫和或亚热带气候的適應。7C4150FCDCEDD023