^o^y 商用英文 中翻英
以下2題是商用英文的中文 (b_d)有沒有人會翻成英文呢? p(^o^)q我還附了中文單字的英文喔 ~^o^~ 但不曉得是否為正確 (>﹏﹏
1.謹通知,櫃公司發票6071、本公司訂單505號,由美國威爾遜總統號所承 運的ㄧ個貨櫃雜貨,已於上星期抵達。經由本公司在海關處檢驗,發覺不少 瑕疵品。茲附上檢驗報告書ㄧ份,請貴公司參考。 Please be noted that our order No.505/your invoice No.6071 of one container general cargo which was shipped by Wilson already arrived our customs last week. We checked it upon her arrival and found lots of products damaged. Here enclosed one copy of inspectation certification for your reference. 2.本公司在檢驗訂單600,數量為兩千組的運動器材時,發現短缺了二十組 。本公司已向船公司提出索賠,但他們認為是貨運公司的錯誤,請貴公司幫 忙查證為感。 While inspecting the order No.600 of 2000 sets of sport equipments, we found the shortage of 20 sets. We already claimed it to the shipping company, yet they deemed it as the faculty of the freight transportation company. Please help us to check it out. Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated.
1.Notify sincerely, cabinet company invoice 6071, the order of our company the 505th, by American president Wilson the container sundries of the ㄧ of luck that number accept,have already arrived in last week.Examine in the maritime customs through our company, discover a few minor faults article.Enclose the examination written report ㄧ , ask the reference of your company. 2.Our company is examining order 600, when the amount is 2,000 set exercise machines, the detection ran short 20 sets.Our company has already put forward claim toward the ship company, but they think to is the mistake of freight transportation company, please help the busy identification is a feeling. 希望對ㄋ有幫助
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