Wentworth Miller佢有冇泥過香港?!
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我想問.... Wentworth Miller佢有冇泥過香港?! 或者,佢有冇諗住泥香港架??!
He does not go to to Hong Kong Personal life In 2003, Miller was cast as 'Coleman Silk' in The Human Stain. It was revealed that he had an intense personal connection to this mixed-race character. Not only did Miller possess a similar racial background, but he also was involved in a controversial racial incident during his time at Princeton, when he was mistakenly believed to have written a derogatory remark about African-Americans, similar to the situation with his character in the movie. In 1994, while Miller was a junior at Princeton, he published a cartoon in The Daily Princetonian featuring Cornel West, who was then a professor of African-American Studies there but who had just been hired away by Harvard University. The cartoon depicted a young white Harvard student, imagining her first class with West, who is saying, "Today's lecture is entitled, Rhythm—Why None of You Have It, and How You Can Get It." It also described West as "newly purchased," which was taken as a reference to slavery. Within days the paper had run angry letters signed by dozens of students and faculty members, including novelist Toni Morrison, who according to the The New York Times wrote an angry letter to Miller. A symposium was even convened on campus on the issue. Miller, who everyone assumed was white, was considered a campus racist. Like 'Coleman Silk', Miller declined to bring up his own African-American heritage. Years later when discussing the controversy, Miller remarked: "To be perfectly clear, passing is something that has never crossed my mind. Instead of stepping forward and explaining what I'd meant by the cartoon and positing my own racial background as evidence that I'd really meant no harm, I chose to remain silent. My attitude was, If they don't get it, I don't have to explain it, which was my way of saying that if they don't get me, I don't have to explain me. The people who knew me on campus and knew my background knew where I was coming from, but I think for most people I was just a name in the paper, and they probably assumed I was white."[1] After filming The Human Stain, Miller wrote a letter to West apologizing for the cartoon, but received no replies. However, West was present at the premiere of the movie. Incidentally, West is a friend of actress Anna Deavere Smith, who played Coleman Silk's mother in the film. [edit] Filmography Year Title Role Notes Television 2005-present Prison Break Michael Scofield TV series 2005 Ghost Whisperer Sgt. Paul Adams Season 1, episode 1 - pilot 2005 Joan of Arcadia Ryan Hunter Season 2, episode 21 - "Common Thread" Season 2, episode 22 - "Something Wicked This Way Comes" 2002 Dinotopia David Scott TV miniseries 2000 ER Mike Palmieri Season 7, episode 1 - "Homecoming" 2000 Time of Your Life Nelson Season 1, Episode 6 - "The Time the Truth Was Told" Season 1, Episode 11 - "The Time They Got E-Rotic" 2000 Popular Adam Rothchild Ryan Season 1, episode 16 - "All About Adam" Season 1, episode 18 - "Ch-Ch-Changes" 1998 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Gage Petronzi Season 2, episode 20 - "Go Fish" Film 2005 Stealth voice of EDI 2005 The Confession Prisoner Short film 2003 Underworld Dr. Adam Lockwood 2003 The Human Stain Young Coleman Silk 2001 Room 302 Server #1 Short film Music video 2005 "It's like That" Mysterious love interest 2005 "We Belong Together" Mysterious love interest