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Price of Audi in HK
I'm currently live in U.S. I wonder why Audi cars are cost more $$ in HK ?? The brand new one A4 only cost about USD $28,000.
Not only Audi, but most new cars sold in Hong Kong are way more expensive than they are in the U.S. The major reason is the high taxation rate the Hong Kong government set for import cars: The following is the tax bracket for the price of a car (before tax): a) On the first $150,000 -- 35% b) On the next $150,000 -- 65% c) On the next $200,000 -- 85% d) On the remaining -- 100% Which means, the higher the pre-tax price is for a car, the more tax the buyer has to pay to the government. Also you can notice that cheaper cars stays economical, while expensive cars are getting more expensive as they are being penalized by the staggered tax rate. So, if we use your example, a base model A4 (A4 2.0T FWD?) costs US$28,000, which is about HK$218000. The after-tax price of the car should be: $218,000 + $150,000x35% + ($218,000-$150,000)x65% = $314,960. The other difference can be market adjustments, the extra standard equipments that comes with the car sold in Hong Kong (base model A4 in the U.S. has leatherette instead of real leather, without HID lamps, without automatic transmission, etc). 2007-08-02 04:50:32 補充: Also, this is the reason low-priced cars have smaller differences in price between HK and the U.S., and higher-priced models have bigger differences.
Clearly explained the difference prices between U.S and Hong Kong.|||||Because of high taxation rate! 2007-08-03 15:38:01 補充: Mine is much better because I can answer it in simple way.5C926699F268FE02