3.A personal computer is designed to sperate over the temperature range from 50 to 104°F. To what do these temperatures correspond (a) on the Celsius scale and (b) on the Kelvin scale?7.A constant-volume gas thermometer has a pressure of 5*10^3 Pa when the gas temperature is 0°C. What is the temperature (in °C)... 顯示更多 3.A personal computer is designed to sperate over the temperature range from 50 to 104°F. To what do these temperatures correspond (a) on the Celsius scale and (b) on the Kelvin scale? 7.A constant-volume gas thermometer has a pressure of 5*10^3 Pa when the gas temperature is 0°C. What is the temperature (in °C) when the pressure is 2*10^3 Pa?
第一題 個人電腦的適溫在50°F到104°F之間 請問換算成(a)攝氏(b)凱氏溫度時為幾度? 由於F=(9/5*°C)+32 然後F=(9/5*K )-459.67 可以得到答案 第二題 等容的氣體溫度計在0°C時,壓力為5000Pa 請問2000Pa時,攝氏幾度? 由於(PV/T)為常數 所以可以求得之間的關連。
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3.一部個人電腦被設計到來自 50 到 104 ° F 的在溫差上的 sperate 。到這些溫度符合 (一)什麼在攝氏上依比例決定而且 (b)在開爾文身上依比例決定?7.當瓦斯溫度是 0個 ° C 的時候,一支常數-體積的瓦斯溫度計有 5*10^3 Pa 的壓力。 當壓力是 2*10^3 Pa 的時候,溫度 (在 ° C 中)是什麼?5C926699F268FE02