國考英文問題關於face problem
這是今年國家考試英文的題目 100年原住民五等 (問題一)The most important problems ______ our natural environment are complex. (A)face (B)that faces (C) facing (D) which faces 正確答案是c 想問b和d為何不行 ? c不就是省略b或d關係代名詞的結果嗎? 實在不是很懂 (問題二) 一直很懷疑face problem到底是不是中式英文 比如說 You still need to face the problem. 外國人到底會不會這麼說勒?
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(1)先行詞是複數 the most important problems 所以後面要跟複數動詞。 也就是 that face 或 which face 才對。 (2) 會。 google "face * problem" 出現 約有 13,160,000,000 項結果。 http://www.google.com.tw/#hl=zh-TW&source=hp&q=%22face+*+problem%22&gbv=2&oq=%22face+*+problem%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=985l9813l0l10032l18l14l0l0l0l0l984l1093l0.1.6-1l3l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=e642e0258d844d01&biw=1170&bih=507
Due to my careless, I have made a mistake in my answer, so I have removed my answer. Sorry for causing other people confused. 2011-11-08 12:22:47 補充: due to my being careless...5C926699F268FE02