500度近視鏡放大率即是多少? 500度近視鏡的放大率
500度近視鏡放大率即是多少?500度近視鏡的放大率/縮小率是否即是0.5x?謝謝. 更新: But why you can say: The image distance v formed by one such lens for an object placed at the distance of distinct vision D = 25 cm? Can't it be equal to 20 cm or 30 cm?
This question has been asked and answered before. You may refer to the web-page below: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7012052600519 2012-07-22 00:29:57 補充: Sorry that I have missed out a critical word in the sentence. It is the least disatnce of distinct vision. For a normal person, the least distance of distinct vision is around 25 cm. Please refer to the following web-page: 2012-07-22 00:31:09 補充: http://opticalinstruments.blogspot.hk/2011/06/least-distance-of-distinct-vision.html 2012-07-22 00:31:34 補充: A short-sighted person has his eyeballs become too long. He would see clearly objects placed at distances much shorter than the least distance of distinct vision, but not for objects placed at the least distance of distinct vision and beyond. 2012-07-22 00:31:43 補充: When a pair of short-sighted spectacles (which are concave lenses) are worn by the person, objects will form images nearer to the eyes. This enables the person to see the objects clearly.
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