- 台北市或縣哪裡有南美假櫻桃的蹤跡呢-
- 如何畫出容易親近的迷人大眼睛~-!@1@
- 北部電力展示館學習單@1@
- 宜中數理資優班的學生請進
- 兩萬六組主機 謝謝!
- 尋求C型肝炎中醫治療@1@
- 市政府站到長庚
- 從高雄車站往中山大學最早的一班公車......@1@
- Mstar可以下載嗎-
- ~急~!! 台中市的地圖!@1@
cornell university
我想問 hotel 部分的 undergraduate 課程 *入學需求的高低標準 (分數? 在校成績) *學費&雜費..(ivy league的收費..到底可以多可怕?!..)
考試成績(第50%的人) SAT Reasoning Verbal: 630 - 730 SAT Reasoning Math: 660 - 760 ACT Composite: 28 - 32 如果你是外國學生.還要... TOEFL required of non-resident alien applicants TOEFL (paper) minimum score: 600 TOEFL (computer) minimum score: 250 在校成績.美國本地生 85% in top 10th of graduating class 95% in top quarter of graduating class 99% in top half of graduating class Fee(in US$) 本地生 Living on-campus /Living at home /Commuting, not living at home In-state tuition and fees: $31,467 / $31,467 / $31,467 Out-of-state tuition and fees: $31,467 / $31,467 / $31,467 Room and board: $10,250 / $4,008 / $9,883 Books and supplies: $660 / $660 / $660 Estimated personal expenses: $1,340 / $1,340 / $1,340 Transportation expense: Fee(in US$)外國學生 Annual College Costs ( Fall 2005 ) Tuition and Fees $31,467 Room & Board (on-campus) $10,250 Other living expenses $1,340 Costs per credit hour Not reported 有獎學金給外國學生 外加報名費$65 P.S.學費可能因為參加的program有點上下變化