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歌名:All About Your Heart 演唱者:Mindy Gledhill 收錄專輯:Anchor 專輯發行日:2010.08.10 圖片參考:http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/514%2BwEmrtXL._SL500_AA300_.jpg 歌詞:http://www.mindygledhill.com/lyrics/all-about-your-heart.html I don't mind your odd behavior It's the very thing I love If you were an ice cream flavor You would be my favorite one My imagination sees you Like a painting by Van Gogh Starry nights and bright sunflowers Follow you where you may go Oh, I've loved you from the start In every single way And more each passing day You are brighter than the stars Believe me when I say It's not about your scars It's all about your heart You're a butterfly held captive Small and safe in your cocoon Go on you can take your time Time is said to heal all wounds Chorus Like a lock without a key Like a mystery without a clue There is no me if I cannot have you Chorus *請自行至YouTube或網路搜尋音樂& MV試聽,在此提供連結會被檢舉[侵害他人智慧財產權] *例行提醒 (非針對個人):請勿在得到答案後補充發問求檔案或是移除問題
這首歌叫 All About Your heart 演唱者是Mindy Gledhill, 下面有這首歌的連結, 希望有幫到你~ 圖片參考:http://imgcld.yimg.com/8/n/AA01248754/o/151105291087313872261300.jpg http://www.atlaspost.com/landmark-7921540.htm All About Your heart I don't mind your odd behavior 我不在意你奇怪的行為 It's the very thing I love 那正是我所愛的 If you were an ice cream flavor 若你是一種冰淇淋的口味 You would be my favorite one 將會是我最愛的那種 My imagination sees you 我想像中的你 Like a painting by Van Gogh 像是一幅梵谷畫 Starry nights and bright sunflowers 那星光熠熠的夜和潔亮的向日葵 Follow you where you may go 跟隨著你的步履 Oh, I loved you from the start 哦, 我從一開始就愛上你了 In every single way 無論是哪一方面 And more each passing day 愛一天天地加深 You are brighter than the stars 你遠比星辰更加明亮 Believe me when I say 相信我的話 It's not about your scars 無關你的傷痕 It's all about your heart 只關乎你的心 You are a butterfly held captive 你是隻被困縛的蝶 Small and safe in your cocoon 小小的安全的在你的繭中 Go on you can take your time 靜待著破繭而出 Time is said to heal all wounds 時間會癒合所有的傷 Oh, I loved you from the start 哦, 我從一開始就愛上你 In every single way 無論是哪一方面 And more each passing day 愛一天天地加深 You are brighter than the stars 你遠比星辰更加明亮 Believe me when I say 相信我的話 It's not about your scars 無關你的傷痕 It's all about your heart 只關乎你的心 Like a lock without a key 像缺了鑰匙的鎖 Like a mystery without a clue 像找不到線索的謎 There is no me if I cannot have you 如果沒有你也就沒有我 Oh, I loved you from the start 哦, 我從一開始就愛上你 In every single way 無論是哪一方面 And more each passing day 愛一天天地加深 You are brighter than the stars 你遠比星辰更加明亮 Believe me when I say 相信我的話 It's not about your scars 這無關你的傷痕 It's all about your heart 而是因為妳的心6FE6251C5F3F8A0F