For more than a thousand years, people have wondered about the location of the lost city of Atlantis, a rich paradise once ruled by a wise king.Plato is the person most closely thought of when talking about Atlantis.Plato(427-347 BC)was a student of the Greek philosopher Socrates(469-399 BC). Socrates was a very... 顯示更多 For more than a thousand years, people have wondered about the location of the lost city of Atlantis, a rich paradise once ruled by a wise king. Plato is the person most closely thought of when talking about Atlantis. Plato(427-347 BC)was a student of the Greek philosopher Socrates(469-399 BC). Socrates was a very influential thinker, but when his ideas became too controversial, he was forced to kill himself by drinking poison. After he died, Plato traveled for a few years before returning to establish a school in Athens called the Academy. It has become the role model for today's universities. At the Academy, Plato taught the students through the use of debates, where two or more people took different sides of an argument. Often these debates used Socrates' stories as a starting point. Atlantis was a good example. Socrates did not like writing. He thought that reading and writing made people stupid!Fortunately, Plato did not feel the same way, and his students copied down what Ploto remembered of the teachings of Socrates. He described Atlantis as a culturally-and scientifically-advanced civilization that had existed long ago. The people of Atlantis had used their knowledge to enslave much of the world. Atlantis was finally defeated by Athens, but then all records of it were lost when a great flood destroyed both Athens and Atlantis. Did Atlantis ever exist?Or was it just a story to show what happens to people when they become too powerful?If it did exist, where was it?One clue is that it was supposedly beyond the Pillars of Hercules, now known as the Strait of Gibraltar, somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Countless explorers, who have had their own ideas, looked everywhere from England to China. Perhaps you will find it one day or solve one of the other great unknown mysteries of the world. Perhaps you will find something that no one was even looking for.
逾千年以來,人們都在尋找亞特蘭提斯的真實位置,因為在傳說中,亞特蘭提斯是個生活富裕、領導者英明的樂園。 當提及亞特蘭提斯時,人們最常聯想到的名字就是柏拉圖(427-347BC),歸於希臘哲人蘇格拉底(469-399BC)門下,蘇格拉底是個極具影響力的思想家,但後來因為他的論點不合時宜,故最後被迫飲鳩而死。蘇格拉底死後,柏拉圖花費數年周遊列國,之後才回到雅典開設了一間學園,這所學園也成為今日大學之典範,柏拉圖鼓勵學生兩人以上組隊,藉由相互辯論的方式來學習,而辯論也常以蘇格拉底的經歷做為起點,亞特蘭提斯也是另一個常見的主題。 蘇格拉底並未著書,因為他相信閱讀與寫作只會使人變笨,所幸柏拉圖與他的看法相左,而柏拉圖在回憶蘇格拉底的教導時,柏拉圖的學生也會抄錄下來,在他的敘述中,亞特蘭提斯在多年前曾經存在,那是個文化與科學都極為先進的文明,亞特蘭提斯的子民運用其智慧統御世界,但後來亞特蘭提斯被雅典擊潰,且一場洪水襲捲亞特蘭提斯與希臘後,從此關於亞特蘭提斯的記錄全都付之闕如。 然而亞特蘭提斯曾經存在過嗎?又或者這只是一個故事,要警惕人們權力過大所帶來的後果?但如果亞特蘭提斯的確存在,那又是在什麼地方?柏拉圖認為亞特蘭提斯的地點,應當是在海克力斯之柱(亦即今日的直布羅陀海峽)以西的大西洋上,而無數探險家則試圖在其他地點找尋,從英格蘭到中國都有人認為是亞特蘭提斯的所在地,或許有天我們真能找到亞特蘭提斯,並因此解開了一項全球最難解的謎題,也或許有天我們會發現從未有人知道的新事物。
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先翻第一句,有時間再繼續 千年以來,人們一直想知道失落的城市亞特蘭提斯---一個由充滿智慧的國王所統治的富庶天堂---的所在. 2005-11-08 18:25:54 補充: 嗯嗯,文章好像有點長喔|||||會不會太摳了一點阿? 才5點文章這麼的長~6FE1C172E25AFD66