Good news for chocoholics: the treat探討 preferred by millions all over the world is good for you, according to Americanresearchers研究員 at the University of California加州. Chocolate contains substances物質called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthyheart and good circulation循環. The researchers have discovered... 顯示更多 Good news for chocoholics: the treat探討 preferred by millions all over the world is good for you, according to American researchers研究員 at the University of California加州. Chocolate contains substances物質called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation循環. The researchers have discovered that cocoa可可粉acts like aspirin阿斯匹靈and that eating a bar of chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins in the body: these chemicals化學的 help to reduce減少pain and stress and make you feel happy. The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about 1500 BC, and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe. In 1544, a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocoa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal. The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa drink. By the middle of the century, solid chocolate was becoming familiar. In 1765, James Baker opened the first chocolate mill in the United States, introducing chocolate to the average citizen. In 1896, in Switzerland, Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate-making process and produced the first milk chocolate. Since then, chocolate has grown enormously in popularity. One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations is Britain where the average man, women, and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year. In fact, chocolate is the number one comfort food and there are more chocoholics in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Researchers warn that although chocolate is good for you, it should be eaten in small quantities—and with no added milk. 更新: 76. What benefit can chocolate NOT afford for us? ??Good circulation. ??A strong heart. ??Higher IQ. ??Pain reduction. 77. How many years ago were cocoa beans first grown? ??510. ??1500. ??2010. ??3510. 更新 2: 78. How was chocolate consumed when it was first tried? ??As a drink. ??As a candy bar. ??As a medicine. ??As a health food. 79. Which country first added milk to chocolate? 更新 3: ??Britain. ??Spain. ??Switzerland. ??the United States. 80. Which country has more citizens who are addicted to chocolate? ??Mexico. ??Portugal. ??Britain. ??the United States 更新 4: 答案~~34133
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來自於對於巧克力同好的好消息:根據美國加州大學的研究員指出,巧克力含有一種叫做"類黃酮"的物質能助於健康的心臟以及良好的循環維持,這探討結果對於您的益處來說可是全世界百萬中首選。 研究員發現可可粉的功效類似於阿斯匹靈,且吃巧克力棒顯示出有助於釋放出體內的endorphins:這些化學作用可幫助您減少痛苦及壓力,並且讓您感到快樂。 在公元前1500年,生存於墨西哥及中美洲的Olmec印地安人是第一個種植可可豆的族群。早在於歐洲流行的好幾百年前,馬雅人就喝著無糖的可可。在西元1544年,馬雅的貴族拜訪了西班牙的菲利浦,並給他了一瓶可可粉做為禮物。很快地,可可粉在當地及葡萄牙造成流行。 第一個將糖加入可可飲的是西班牙人。 在中世紀,固態的巧克力變為流行。西元1765年,詹姆士˙貝克將巧克力介紹給平民百姓,也在美國開啟了第一個巧克力製造廠。 西元1896年的瑞士,丹尼爾˙彼得突發思想在巧克力製造過程中加入牛奶,製造出第一個牛奶巧克力。 從那時起,巧克力開始廣泛流行。在英國,男人,女人,小孩平均在每年吃掉九公斤的巧克力,是最多人吃巧克力的國家。 事實上,巧克力是排名第一令人舒服的食物。以全世界來說,英國所擁有的巧克力愛好者勝過於其他國家。 研究員警告:雖然巧克力對您有益,但需少量食用以及不加牛奶才是上上策。 76.下列哪一項不是巧克力對我們人體的貢獻? 良好的循環 強健的心臟 高智慧 減少痛苦 77.第一個種植可可豆是在大約幾年前? 510 1500 2010 3510 (在公元前1500年,生存於墨西哥及中美洲的Olmec印地安人是第一個種植可可豆的族群,現在是西元2009年,2009+1500=3509,接近3510) 78.巧克力最早拿來應用於何處? 製成飲料 製成巧克力棒 製成藥物 製成健康食品 79.最早將牛奶加入巧克力是哪個國家? 英國 西班牙 瑞士 美國 80.擁有最多巧克力迷是哪個國家? 墨西哥 葡萄牙 英國 美國 2009-08-22 23:55:21 補充: 文法解析 1."the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you", according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation 2009-08-22 23:55:31 補充: 在此,翻譯應先把雙引號內的句子放到整段的最後,再來翻譯才會比較順暢流利 意思就是在發現巧克力的對於人體的功用後,對我們人體來說是百萬中首選的,其他食物所不能替代的! preferred 首選的 maintain 保持,維持 act在此意思為作用,平常當作動詞用意思為行為 2009-08-22 23:55:58 補充: 2.The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about 1500 BC, and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe. 這句話的時間點要看清楚,若不注意很可能會翻譯為"生存於墨西哥及中美洲的Olmec印地安人是第一個種植可可豆的族群。在西元前1500年,早在於歐洲流行的好幾百年前,馬雅人就喝著無糖的可可。" 2009-08-22 23:56:14 補充: 西元前1500年這個時間點講的是生存在中美洲和墨西哥的印地安人第一個種植可可豆的事情,而非馬雅人喝無糖可可的事情! 看看原來英文句子,in about 1500 BC,後面開頭接的是and,兩者銜接不上喔! BC西元前,英文 Before Christ 的縮寫,意為"基督以前" AD西元後,拉丁文Anno Domini 的縮寫,意為"主的生年" 2009-08-22 23:56:24 補充: 3.gave him jars of cocoa as a gift cococa可當作可可粉,可可飲的意思,在此翻做可可粉(因為馬雅人飄洋過海至西班牙不可能飲料類的過去吧!) jar瓶,罐 2009-08-22 23:56:42 補充: 4.solid chocolate was becoming familiar solid 固體的 5. In 1765, James Baker opened the first chocolate mill mill 可當作名詞磨子,粉碎器,製造廠,製作機;動詞則解釋為粉碎,鋸,磨;在此翻譯為製造廠較為貼切 2009-08-22 23:57:33 補充: .One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations is Britain nations在此使用複數;代表在眾多國家之中,吃最多巧克力的為英國 7.it should be eaten in small quantities be eaten 被吃;eat動詞三態:eat,ate,eaten quantities為quantity的複數,意思為份量,質量,在此翻譯為份量 2009-08-23 00:02:14 補充: 為了以防萬一 一樣在我網誌有把這篇PO上去 以防知識+的資料又不見了! 網址如下: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joan19870404/16318371 2009-08-25 17:36:53 補充: 為了以防萬一 一樣在我網誌有把這篇PO上去 以防知識+的資料又不見了! 網址如下: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/joan19870404/16318371
對巧克力愛好者的好消息: 全世界成千上萬更好的款待有益於妳,根據美國在加州大學的研究員。 巧克力包含黃酮類化合物的物質可以維持健康的心臟和好的心循環 研究員發現可可粉很像阿斯匹靈,並且吃巧克力也顯示了對身體內釋放endorphins有幫助: 這些化學製品幫助減少痛苦和壓力和使你感到愉快。 墨西哥和中美洲的Olmec印地安人是第一個種植可可豆的地方,在大约1500年以前,在在歐洲變得流行之前,瑪雅人喝者不甜的可可幾百年前。 在1544年,瑪雅貴族的代表團拜訪了西班牙的菲利普並且給了一瓶可可粉作為禮物。 可可粉很快變得時在西班牙和葡萄牙流行。 西班牙人是第一個加糖到他們的可可粉飲料的。在世紀的中期,堅實巧克力變的更像現在的巧克力。 在1765年,James Baker在美國開了第一個巧克力磨房且介紹巧克力給一般的公民。 在1896年,在瑞士,Daniel Peter有在巧克力加牛奶製造的想法並且生產了第一牛奶巧克力。 從那之後,巧克力在隨者人口增加而增加。 其中一個英國吃最多巧克力的國家是一般人、婦女和孩子每年吃九公斤巧克力。 事實上,巧克力是第一舒服的食物,並且在世界上比別處有更多巧克力愛好者在英國。研究員警告,雖然巧克力有益於您,應該吃它在少量和不加牛奶。 76. What benefit can chocolate NOT afford for us? ??Good circulation. ??A strong heart. ??Higher IQ. ??Pain reduction. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation. 文中提到巧克力內含flavonoids 可以維持健康的心臟和好的心循環 release endorphins in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain and stress and make you feel happy. 文中提到巧克力內含鈏朶吩 可以減輕疼痛壓力和使人高興 答案是Higher IQ 文中並沒提到 77. How many years ago were cocoa beans first grown? ??510. ??1500. ??2010. ??3510. 文中提到The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about 1500 BC 1500 BC 西元前1500 距今(2009) 大約有3510 答案是3510 78. How was chocolate consumed when it was first tried? ??As a drink. ??As a candy bar. ??As a medicine. ??As a health food. 答案是As a drink 79. Which country first added milk to chocolate? ??Britain. ??Spain. ??Switzerland. ??the United States. in Switzerland, Daniel Peter had the idea of adding milk in the chocolate-making process and produced the first milk chocolate. 答案是Switzerland 80. Which country has more citizens who are addicted to chocolate? ??Mexico. ??Portugal. ??Britain. ??the United States One of the biggest chocolate-eating nations is Britain where the average man, women, and child eats nine kilos of chocolate a year. 答案是Britain6FE1C172E25AFD66