Pls explain the meaning of 3 sentences
請準確解釋以下三句意思:1. 一新聞報導員剛簡述了一些控告, 然後說: We'll get to the heart of those charges in just a little bit.2. 一新聞報導員剛簡述了一headline, 然後另一報導員說: Thank you, we'll get to you at the top.3. 這句最長, 成句唔明: Martha Stewart and her testimony that sent CCN's Jeffrey Toobin into the office this evening shouting,... 顯示更多 請準確解釋以下三句意思: 1. 一新聞報導員剛簡述了一些控告, 然後說: We'll get to the heart of those charges in just a little bit. 2. 一新聞報導員剛簡述了一headline, 然後另一報導員說: Thank you, we'll get to you at the top. 3. 這句最長, 成句唔明: Martha Stewart and her testimony that sent CCN's Jeffrey Toobin into the office this evening shouting, you must run this, give us the headline. 特別唔明 "shouting" 那部份. 拜託哂!
We'll get to the heart of those charges in just a little bit. 我們稍後再會詳盡報導這些案件 Thank you, we'll get to you at the top. 謝謝, 我們將會為你報導最新發展 Martha Stewart and her testimony that sent CCN's Jeffrey Toobin into the office this evening shouting, you must run this, give us the headline 當CNN的 Jeffrey Toobin聽過Martha Stewart的供詞後他走入辦公室嚷道: 你哋一定要將此案作頭條報導